BYBCAT Metrics Definitions

This page contains definitions of metrics currently used in BYBCAT to measure user performance. Read through our guide to learn what each metric means and how it is calculated.

Scan Metrics

Total Scans

The total number of scans a player performed during the test.

Scan Rate

The Scan Rate measures how often a player looks around to assess their surroundings per second, indicating their spatial awareness and ability to anticipate play. It is calculated by dividing the total number of scans by the duration of the scenario. Players that scan more have a better understanding of their surroundings, and research shows they are more likely to retain the ball and make more successful forward passes.

Scan Timing

Scan Timing is a metric that shows the quality of the scan. It is calculated by dividing the number of correct scans by the number of all scans. Correct scans are ones where the ball was not passed or received during the scan. One is the best possible score and represents 100%, meaning that all scans were made at the right moment.

Scan Symmetry

The Scan Symmetry reflects a player's ability to scan to both sides. Scan Symmetry is calculated as the average direction of a scan throughout the full test. A scan to the left is recorded as -1 and a scan to the right is recorded as +1. If a player scans equally to both left and right, this value will be 0.

Critical Scan

The number of critical scans the player performed. A critical scan is a scan that is made as the ball is travelling towards you. Performing the critical scan gives the player the most up-to-date picture of their surroundings before receiving the ball, which in turn can be used to make better decisions.

Inhibition Test

The Inhibition Test in BYBCAT is designed to measure a player's ability to control or inhibit automatic or impulsive responses. This test assesses a player's decision-making, reaction times, and self-control under pressure, which are crucial skills on the field. In the test, the player will hear a sound as they attempt to perform an action (pass or shoot), and the action will not be performed and time will slow down. The player will be measured on their ability to change their decision, and how long time they spend to perform a new action.

Working Memory Test

The Working Memory Test in BYBCAT is designed to provide an indication of how well a player retains information during the game. During the test all players are hidden, forcing the player to employ working memory to label the prompts. It shows the number of silhouettes in the player’s visible area that were correctly, incorrectly labelled or remained unanswered. The amount of prompts included in the test is selected before the start of the test. 

Pattern Recognition Test

A pattern recognition test in BYBCAT is designed to provide an indication of how well a player can recognize situations from context during the game. During the test all players are changed to silhouettes, allowing the player to use the context to label the prompts. During a test the player is asked about one player after the other until the predetermined number of players are selected. After the test is completed, the number of silhouettes in the player's visible area that were correctly, incorrectly labelled or remained unanswered are shown.

