Be Your Best partners with S3

Be Your Best partners with S3 and becomes title sponsor for the FC Delco Players Cup (27th - 29th May)

February 6, 2025

Be Your Bestis delighted to announce our official partnership with Sideline Soccer Solutions (S3) as the title sponsor for the FC Delco Players Cup (27th - 29th May)

S3 is the leading provider of professional services and management of leagues and tournaments in the US. 

The FC Delco Players Cup brings together 800 of the leading youth teams (boys and girls) from across the US for a three-day event.  

Be Your Bestwill be exhibiting our award-winning VR Technology Software to the tournament and providing an opportunity for players and parents to experience first-hand the full VR experience. 

As part of this partnership all S3 members will receive an exclusive discount to Be Your Best subscriptions. 

Be Your Best™ looks forward to collaborating with S3 and is proud to be the official sponsor. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact Be Your Best at and please visit

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