If you are already a Be Your Best subscriber who wants to redeem a Gift Card, you will first need to cancel your current subscription and wait for the end of the current billing cycle before redeeming your gift card. For more information on this, contact our team.
Gift Card FAQs
Can I give a gift card to someone who is already a subscriber?
Who is the Be Your Best app for?
Yes, you can give a gift card to someone who is already a subscriber. They will need to cancel their current subscription and wait for the end of the current billing cycle before redeeming the gift card.
What if the gift card isn’t working?
Who is the Be Your Best app for?
If you encounter any issues with the gift card, drop us a message via our contact form, and we will help you resolve the issue.
How do I send a gift card to someone else?
Who is the Be Your Best app for?
When you make a purchase, you will be asked to add the recipient's email address for the person you want to give it to.
On which product can I use the gift card?
Who is the Be Your Best app for?
Be Your Best Gift Cards can only be used to redeem the specific product mentioned on the card. We currently offer gift cards only for annual subscriptions.