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Access to VR training, personalised coaching, & tools to enhance your performance. See our supported VR devices

3 profiles included
$ 29 / mo
Save $120
3 profiles included
$ 19 / mo
*$228 billed annually
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VR & Mobile apps
Advanced scanning training
Memory and awareness training
800+ moments from top leagues
Replay analysis & Stat tracking
Option to add extra user profiles
AI Matchplay (Beta)
And more!
* One profile is a single Be Your Best license. These memberships include 3 paid licenses.

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You’re just a few steps away from taking your game to the next level.

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Select your Be Your Best membership
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Download Be Your Best to your Meta Quest 2, 3, 3S or Pro
Haytham El Bahja of Fath Union Sport Rabat (FUS Rabat) training with Be Your Best on a VR headset
Haytham El Bahja of Fath Union Sport Rabat (FUS Rabat) smiling and clenching his fist after training with Be Your Best on a VR headset

Supercharge your training routine

There’s no substitute for regular training, but where it lets you down, we fill in the gaps.

Regular training
Be Your Best
Train anywhere
Train anytime
Train alone
Guaranteed coaching
Train while injured
Train pre-game with no tiredness
Constant 11 v 11 training
Pro scan training


Get the answers you need for any questions you may have.

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Who is the Be Your
Best app for?
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Who is the Be Your
Best app for?
Can I cancel my membership?
Who is the Be Your
Best app for?
Will my membership automatically renew?
Who is the Be Your
Best app for?
How much are your membership options?
Who is the Be Your
Best app for?
Can I have a free trial?
Who is the Be Your
Best app for?
Martin Ødegaard of Arsenal football club and the Norway national team clapping

“Really fun, but hard work. No physical load. Thank you Be Your Best for helping me train my vision and decision making during my injury period.”

Martin Odegaard

Be Your Best for teams

Looking to try Be Your Best for your club or team? Book a call or send us a message today.

Minimum Club Package (25 players)
$ 2,000